
  • Garcinia Cambogia is a small medium sized tree native to Southeast Asia
  • The dried fruit rind of G. cambogia is commonly used, particularly in India, as a food preservative, flavoring agent and carminative
  • Fruit from this plant is included in the United States Department of Agriculture’s inventory of perennial edible fruits of the tropics
  • The active ingredient of the fruit responsible for flavoring and other properties has been identified as (-)-hydroxycitric acid (HCA)
  • Citrin®K, an extract prepared from the dried fruit rind of G. cambogia, is a creamy white, non-fibrous powder without any distinct odor or taste
  • GRAS Self-Affirmed: August 2007 – as flavoring agent
  • Use Level: Up to 2,500 ppm in selected non-alcoholic beverages
  • Safety Level: 60.47 mg/kg bodyweight/day is safe (4.2 g/day for 70 kg person)


  • Beverages and Beverage Bases
  • Processed Fruits and Fruit Juices
  •  Special or Spiced Teas
  • Processed Vegetables and Vegetable Juices


  • US 5,783,603
  • US 6,770,782